Monday, December 23, 2019

Night by Elie Wiesel and A Spring Morning by Ida Fink

Dehumanization With an overwhelming amount of power, humanity becomes lost in the desire to control. In the novel Night by Elie Wiesel and the connection â€Å"A Spring Morning† by Ida Fink, both authors demonstrate a common theme of dehumanization by using literary devices such as: specific diction, symbolism and tone. Throughout the novel and connection, specific diction is used to express the hatred the Germans felt towards the Jewish during the Holocaust. In the connection â€Å"A Spring Morning†, the author uses words such as: â€Å"cruel†, â€Å"torment† and â€Å"murder† to show how the humiliation and fear within the Jews. Each of these words demonstrates a sense of inhumane acts of terror, for example, to be cruel to someone/ something means to be unnecessarily mean or evil. Fink also portrays the Jews as becoming dehumanized emotionally. The Jewish are â€Å"terrified† and in â€Å"despair† of the German officers and do not k now what will become of themselves once they are taken to the camps. The Germans have the Jewish detained and frightened, like caged animals, making them feel more animalistic than human. In the novel Night, Wiesel describes his journey through the Holocaust as â€Å"inhumane† and â€Å"cursed†, further showing how the Jews were treated poorly due to the Germans undeniable hatred towards them. The novel shows how the Nazi’s took advantage of the power and control they had over the Jews, making them unaware to the torment and hazard they were causing the Jews. Wiesel uses the word

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What Is a Data Warehouse Free Essays

Question 1 What is a data warehouse? What problems does it solve for a business? A data warehouse is a place where data is stored for archival purpose, analysis purpose. Usually a data warehouse is either a single computer or many computers servers tied together to create one giant computer systems. Data warehouse solve a lot of problems to companies as it helps to structure files and avoid unnecessary duplication of data. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is a Data Warehouse or any similar topic only for you Order Now Data warehouse also allows to easily updating data and encourages management to regard data as a resource that must be properly managed just as any other resources. Question1B What do you see as the benefits of using a web-like browser to access information from a data warehouse? The benefits of using a web browser to access information from a data warehouse is that it allows users to have access to different search engines and opens up different links with the relevance key search. Some results will be more complete than others as they have different ways of indexing websites.Using a web browser to access information from a data warehouse is also useful as the links give you access to images and videos which interact users but can also slow down the logon level of speed operations meaning that the data warehouse is accessed at a fast speed. Question2 The SAP system is a collection of software that performs standard business functions for corporations. Here are some applications developed by SAP for consumers use, they are regrouped into categories of utilities[1]. Financials applications The SAP Financials applications contain all of the functionality needed for enterprise-wide financial management. These include: Financial Accounting (FI), Provides a complete financial accounting solution, including income statements, balance sheets, journals, ledgers, and all areas of financial accounting. †¢ Enterprise Controlling (EC): Assists in controller tasks. †¢ Capital Investment Management (IM): Assists finance organizations in their capital investments and tracking. †¢ Controlling (CO): Assists the controller organization. †¢ Treasury (TR): Assists with transactions related to the U. S. Treasury. Human Resources applications †¢ Personnel Administration (PA): Assists with all areas of personnel administration, including applicant tracking and personnel history. Personnel Development (PD): Assists with training and educational status of employees. These systems handle all of the mundane HR tasks, such as personnel and payroll, and also a number of more esoteric HR functions, such as seminar and convention management. Logistics applications The SAP Logistics applications include SAP’s most popular modules. †¢ Materials Management (MM): Manages raw materials, inventory, and all aspects of goods manufacturing. †¢ Production Planning (PP):Offers sophisticated tools for planning large production environments. General Logistics (LO): Manages logistics for companies that require large-scale deployment of goods and resources. †¢ Sales and Distribution (SD): Manages the inventory and distribution of finished goods. †¢ Plant Maintenance (PM): Manages the resources required for large manufacturing plants. †¢ Quality Management (QM): Captures and maintains quality control for manufacturing environments. †¢ Project System (PS): Assists with the scheduling of project tasks and interdependencies between tasks. ;; Oracle is the leading company in a leading software development and provides usiness with systems and information with reliable, secure, and integrated technologies[2]. These software’s include: †¢ Agile Link-to-SAP XI: Agile Product Collaboration provides a comprehensive solution to manage bill of material (BOM), item, and engineering change order (ECO) data necessary for product content collaboration across the manufacturing supply chain. †¢ Oracle Communications for SAP RM-CA Manage: SAP RM-CA Manager integrates the BRM billing platform with SAP Revenue Management–Contract Accounting (SAP RM-CA), a revenue management system that SAP offers to the telecommunications industry Siebel Connector for SAP R/3: The Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 supports both synchronous and asynchronous transactions across application boundaries. The resulting consistency of data provides efficient coordination between front and back-office operations. †¢ Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (BI Apps) are prebuilt BI solutions that deliver intuitive, role-based intelligence for everyone in an organisation that enable better decisions, act ions, and business processes.Based on best practices, these solutions enable organisations to gain greater insight and value from a range of data sources and applications including Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, Siebel, and third party systems such as SAP. †¢ Imaging ; Process Management (I/PM), part of the Stellent assets, provides organizations with a scalable solution focused on process-oriented imaging applications and image-enabling enterprise applications.With I/PM, organizations can quickly integrate their content and processes directly with Oracle and other third party enterprise applications, such as EBS, PeopleSoft Enterprise, JD Edwards Enterprise One and JD Edwards World, Microsoft Business Solutions, SAP, Lawson, and Baan. Here are the advantages of these two very competitive companies in the industry of enterprise application software reported by Eweek[3]. Oracle advantages |Control of the Oracle database | |Without data, enterprise applications are little more than empty containers.As the Oracle database platform evolves, it is | |becoming the data management system for enterprise applications. | | | |More open environment | |Oracle has done a better job of embracing Web- and Java-based application development paradigms that are familiar to a broader| |number of developers. | | |Customers relationship management | |Due to its acquisitions of Siebel and PeopleSoft, Oracle has a deeper knowledge of business processes, driven more often than | |not by front-end CRM (customer relationship management) applications. | | | |Middleware | |Oracle isnt that much better than SAP in this category, but at least Oracle has recognized its weakness in the middleware area| |enough to try and acquire BEA. | | |Mid ma rket channel | |Oracle has a stronger history in the channel than SAP, and, as such, has a better ability to leverage third-party solution | |providers in the small and midsize business market. | | | |Flexibility | |Oracle is a little more flexible in its approach to the business processes it will support, compared with the more | |hierarchical SAP model. | | |Global development Team | |Oracle development teams work together around the globe with relatively equal levels of autonomy. | | | |More third party application | |Years of working with ISVs on its database have created a stronger Oracle ecosystem. | | |Stronger OEM partnership | |The Oracle database is a critical piece of enterprise software driving server sales for Dell and Hewlett-Packard (and making | |the latter companys sales force an extension | SAP advantages Legion of consultants | |A large army’s worth of business consultants owe their professional existence to SAP and help keep SAP the market leader. | | | |CIO loyalty | |Many CIO’s3 have invested millions of dollars in SAP and have staked their careers on its continued success. | | |Partnership with IBM | |IBM is probably one of the largest resellers of SAP software, on top of DB2 databases. | | | |Partnership with Microsoft | |Although SAP has ambitions in the SMB space in which Microsoft sells its own applications, a marriage of convenience results | |in a lot of Microsoft Office-to-SAP enterprise application work. | | |Open source | |Although SAP would balk at the idea of open-source application software, it provides tons of resources for the development of | |open-source infrastructure software—making more money available for SAP software. | | |Business Process Integration | |Years of work in this area have resulted in a depth of expertise that is difficult to replicate. | | | |Global Footprint | |SAP has extended its enterprise application customer base around the world. | | |German Engineering | |Although it is sometimes seen as overly rigid, a reputation for attention to detail works in SAPs overall favor. | | | |Vertical market penetration | |Compared with Oracle, SAP has had more time to gain expertise across a broader array of industries. A recent Forrester research paper[4] found that Oracle has a strong middleware platform and better support of open standard and as such it is the right choice for customers who rely heavily on custom development in conjunction with packaged app lications. The reporters Wang and Rymer asserted that companies in the high-tech manufacturing market segment would likely be better off with Oracle while companies in the pharmaceutical and utilities industries would be more likely to choose SAP. In the light of this report my choice between theses systems will be based on the targeted market segment, in other words I will select the vendor that best suit my business activity. So therefore, I will select Oracle enterprise application if my company focuses on high-tech or with heavy reliability on custom development in conjunction with packaged applications. My choice in the other case will be to go for SAP if my business is found in the utilities industries or pharmaceutics. Making these choices will surely enable great customers satisfaction since they provide employees with the best equipments to serve these customers.Question3 Week 4 Lecture summary relating to: Data base models A data base model is a theory or specification describing how a data base is structured and used . several models have been suggested: The Hierarchal model is organized in to a tree like structure aiming to keep data in an organized manner. This structure allows one relationship between two types o f data i. e the parent child relationship, the child may have only one parent but the parent can have many children’s. The Network model organizes data using two fundamental records and sets.In other words the network model allows a many to many relationship meaning that the program maintains a current position and navigates fron one record to another by following relationships in which the record participates records can also be located b supplying key values. ( we have seen that most data bases used on man frame and minicomputer are based on the network or the hierarchal model. Relational model 3 key terms are widely used in the relational data base model these are relations , attributes and domain. A relation is theh colum and rows the named colums of the relations are called attributes and the domain is the set of values.The relational model was introduced as a way to make data base management system more independent. The structure of the relational model is a table where rows and columns of the tables are related. Database Development Entity modeling Entity relationship diagrams and entity relationship model illustrate the correlation and its nature between entities. The entities identifies the needs of the business and holds information of it all, with this method the relationship may be one to one or one to many. There are diverse benefits to the entity relationship modeling as it gives a specified picture of the current and requested system data.Normalization Normalization is the procedure of removing duplication of data. Normalization is also the process of verifying by making sure that there are no problems when updating the database and the operations on the various relations will not lead to conflicting and incorrect data. Part 2 Question1 (iii) What is the role of entity-relationship diagram and Normalization in database? Normalization and ERM are useful techniques for data management be cause normalization is the process of organizing data to minimize duplication, it usally divides a database into two or more tables defining relationships between the tables. The objective of normalization is to isolate data so that additions, deletions, and modifications of a field can be made in just one table and then spread through the rest of the data base via the defined relationships. I. e the customers number is related to its matching customers name and matching customer order. Therefore ERM and Normalization techniques ensure that data is well organized so that when updating some data you face no duplications or error. Data modeling is the process of creating a logical representation of the structure of a data base because it provides a unified view of data which is independent of any model. How to cite What Is a Data Warehouse, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Customer Purchase Behavior

Question: Discuss about the Customer Purchase Behavior. Answer: Introduction The process used by customers in deciding whether to purchase a product or service is indeed changing day in day out. The behavior is so complex that the producers, the sellers, and marketers find it so hard in identifying the exact features and factors that influence customers in making the buying decision. Customer behavior, therefore, is defined as the complex and dynamic process a user or buyer of a product goes through before purchasing a product. It is a process that starts with the development of the desire to buy a particular commodity (Blythe, 2009). It starts with the realization of the need. To satisfy this need, the customer has to purchase the product. And before buying this product, a customer usually undergoes various stages explicitly discussed in the body of the report (Blythe, 2009). In this report, I have covered the subjects as follows. First and foremost, there is the identification of a company as well as the product offered. Then concerning this product, I have comprehensively discussed customer behavior. The primary factors covered under the section include personality, attitudes and motivation. Secondly, the report has explored how these two elements relate to the customer behavior. Also, the report has how the marketers in Woolworths Limited can apply the understanding of these influences on customer purchase behavior to enhance acceptance of clothes in particular suits offered by Woolworths. Lastly, the report has provided recommendations concerning marketing and customer behavior. Company Woolworths was established in 1924 and majorly carry its operations in Australia and New Zealand. In Australia, Woolworths Holdings Limited is one of the biggest Supermarkets and commands a market share of about 40% in retail and grocery industry. It majorly sells home ware, digital products, foods, clothing, drinks, and others. Customers prefer shopping in the stores of Woolworths just because of high-quality goods and varieties of the goods provided at the same warehouse. The company has recorded stellar performance for several years in Australia. Through the duopoly that was established between Coles and Woolworths, the strategy assisted them to dominate the market for a long period. However, the entrance of competitors like Aldi into the industry has spurred a new rivalry. The pricing strategy adopted by Aldi has successfully won a significant market share that was initially for Woolworths. The new market forces have thus forced Woolworths to redefine marketing and operational st rategy to retain the market share and even grow further. Product and location As earlier noted, Woolworths provides various types of products. These goods can only be sold in bulk if proper marketing plans are put in place to enhance consumer preference. This report has primarily based on the entire range of products offered by Woolworths. They include clothing, electronics, fruits, drinks, vegetables, and other household goods. The fact is that convincing a customer that these are the best quality and products that can satisfy their need require the application of various marketing and promotional approaches. For instance, if Woolworths was a manufacturer, I could suggest that it manufactures quality products, offer discounts to customers and further base much on sales promotional initiatives. With the case of a retailer, however, the requirements are slightly different. Indeed, these stylish products like clothing, electronics and drinks require regular study of the users behavior and enact different principles to influence the buying behavior. Moreover, Woolworths Supermarkets has located its headquarters at Bella Vista in New South Wales, Australia. It has about 961 locations or branches that were established to serve the ever-growing consumer needs. Woolworths works closely with the farmers and growers in Australia to enhance production of quality products. Additionally, it has incorporated technology through creativity and innovation. Using this technology, consumers are able to shop online. They use the developed Woolworths app to place orders wherever they are and the products are timely delivered to their door steps. Any person within Australia can order the products without consideration of the distance. It thus implies that the company is located in most parts of the country and even those who hail from the interior parts of Australia can be served. Consumers These are individuals who purchase the products for consumption purposes. Before making the purchase, they follow various steps and considerations. In this report, the consumers are the entire population in Australia since Woolworths provides a range of quality goods and services to all groups of people. Photos of some of the target market by Woolworths Discussion and analysis Marketers, therefore, have to use conceptual skills, technical expertise and marketing knowledge to ensure they read consumer's mind and apply an appropriate technique to influence the purchase process (Lancaster et al., 2002). Customer behavior is affected by internal and external factors. The internal forces are those that can be controlled by the customer and are classified into personal factors and psychological factors. The individual factors include age, income, occupation, lifestyle and personality. The psychological factors include motivation, perception, learning and beliefs and attitudes (Salomon et al., 2010). On the other hand, the external factors are those that are beyond a customer control. They are primarily classified into cultural factors and social factors. Cultural factors include culture, sub-culture and social class. The social factors include the family, reference group and role and status (Awa et al., 2010). Figure 1.1 factors that influences consumer behavior. From the figure above, customer behavior is influenced by four major factors which include the cultural, social, personal and psychological. Just to mention, a customer undergoes five stages to purchase a product. The first step includes problem recognition. Here the customer realizes the need for a product. Next, the user search for more information regarding the product. The third step includes the evaluation of alternatives. The customer now uses the information gathered to assess if buying the product will be the best option. The consumer, however, weighs the needs and information identified to formulate a solution. The next step involves the purchase of the product. After the purchase, the consumer will undergo post purchase behavior which is the last step (Kardes et al., 2008). Figure 1.2 consumer behavior purchase process Source: Form this report. Personality Personality emanates from the interaction of physiological and psychological influences in an individual and leads to a constant character. It includes attributes like curiosity, adaptability, shyness, confidence and more (Sarker et al., 2013). Usually, customers apply these attributes in various proportions while trying to purchase a product. Some perceive that if they are purchase particular products, it can build the self concept (OCass, 2000). Personality extends to consumers desire to be categorized in a particular social class. Some products can be seen as inferior and persons who may associate other factors like level of education, economic class and the status quo (Haliru, 2013). However, personality attributes vary from one person to the other. A marketer too has to be in position to identify complaint personalities, aggressive personalities and attached personalities to find appropriate measures how to handle such customers. Adaptability From the reading, I recognized adaptability as one of the personality exhibited by many youths. Woolworths provides high quality products. Some research say youths are people who go by fashions in most of the products they purchase (Rogers, 2010). Before consumers with personality issues purchases a product from the stores, they usually ascertain that any of the highlighted character attributes favors them. For instance, based on electronics, a consumer has to ascertain the manufacturer, the features, price and alternatives available. To overcome this form of personality, Woolworths for our case should ensure that all varieties possible in the retail industry should be provided (Chowdhury, 2007). These products should be further segmented based on attributes like price such that people from all economic spheres should get their quality in the same store (Tan et al., 2004). The diversification and offering of latest products will be an appropriate solution for this influence. Curiosity Most customers prefer trying out products that are very new to them. For instance, they can enter the shop just to check about the new fashions in the store. If they miss getting such products, they may develop a negative attitude about the company (Mathur, 2008). Notably, if customers fail to get the latest products, they may take long to make decision regarding whether they should make a purchase or not. To overcome such an influence, a company should provide varieties of products to allow them taste any that already exist in the market (Martinez, 2012). Besides, Woolworths should provide a variety of products to the entire target market to allow them to get all the products in one store. Discussion and analysis of motivation Everyone is motivated in a different ways to purchase a commodity. Motivation is perhaps a challenging aspect to identify from a customer because it involves working with the subconscious level (Murat, 2011). Because of the difference in biological, social and physiological needs, consumer motivation to purchase of particular products will always vary. A need becomes urgent when it is pressing (Schiffman Kanuk, 2008). Pressing needs Pressing needs are those that cannot be postponed (Frey, 2008). They are actually the opposites of impulse purchases. These majorly affect consumers in the food but the electronics and clothing departments where the quality, innovativeness, fashion, brand design, are needs that can be postponed. with motivation, a buyer has just to develop a desire to satisfy a particular need. This issue can be adequately addressed by providing a variety of quality products, in that when any need arises, consumers can access the product from the premises. However, considering this motivation aspect, the firm should establish some measures to influence undecided customers to perform an impulse buying. The goods should be appealing and conspicuous to make a consumer who had not developed the need for a given product to develop suddenly (Cook, 2008). Impulse purchase decision. These are needs that customers dont have a priority over them. They can be postponed and get satisfied the other time. Sometimes, they can fall under impulse purchasing decision making. Some buyers are usually undecided about the goods to purchase. Such people are significantly influenced by the attributes of the commodity. This factor is, therefore, sensitive for the marketers to be in a position of identifying such customers and convincing them to purchase the merchandise (Whiteside Lynam, 2001). This consideration should be at the heart of the electronic and clothes department where the needs sometimes arise unexpectedly (Kotler Armstrong, 2010). Marketers should therefore, be in a position to identify such customers so that they can convince them to purchase some commodities. Ways the marketers can apply the knowledge of consumer behavior in developing marketing strategies. Marketers can, however, fail to hit targets if they lack sufficient knowledge about the consumer purchase behavior. These strategies can base on Porters five forces to identify the level of competition in the markets and relate with the consumer behavior in establishing marketing strategies. For instance, the tool will assist in understanding the degree of competition, the possibility of a new entrance, powers of suppliers and powers of customers and formulate appropriate marketing strategies (Jobber, 2007). Command of adequate knowledge about internal and external influences on purchase behavior will assist marketers to apply the knowledge in undertaking the following: First, the marketers can use the knowledge in segmenting the market. During marketing and sales promotions, Woolworths should use different mechanisms to differentiate. Based on the internal influences consumers should be segmented according to the age, personality, attitudes and more. The segmentation will assist in presenting the right product to the right people (Hawkins, Best Coney, 2000). For instance, offering a free sample like match box to an individual hail from a royal family cannot create a positive impact, or giving the same matchbox to a kid of five years cannot positively influence the attitude of such customers. Therefore, a clear understanding of the internal forces can assist marketers to segment the market accurately. Secondly, the marketers can apply the information to perform Target marketing. A strong understanding of consumers influence can help the marketing personnel to target the right group of customers (Kotler et al., 2005). Though the goal can involve the general public, some group of people will require being reached more than the other. Maybe, they could have developed a negative attitude towards the company, or they could be unwilling to associate their personality with the enterprise due to wrong information they withhold. Additionally, the knowledge about consumer behavior is instrumental in assisting marketers to apply the marketing mix tool and promotional mix to ensure the right information reaches the target market (Heath, 2001). The marketing mix (4ps) Products; through an understanding of the consumer behavior, the firm should provide products that only suits customer needs. They will also present the right products to the required target market. Price; the firm can charge the right price. The variety of products offered will be tagged with an affordable price. Tagging of the price on products will enhance viewing of products by customers and those who are price sensitive can purchase the product based on the comparison. Place; understanding the consumer behavior will assist in arranging the products in the stores to accessible places. The stores will also be located at a hub where customers can easily access them at their convenient time. Promotions; the firm will manage to carry out appropriate promotions activities. It will lay out strategies that ensure the promotion campaigns reach every individual as planned (Vargas, 2013). Recommendations Woolworths however, has to consider adopting more strategies to ensure that it fully understands customer behavior and how the business has been affected. Some of the suggestions include the following: First and foremost, the company has to undertake a significant investment in research. The research should focus on marketing and customer behavior. By so doing, it will be possible to unearth all the influences that affect purchasing behavior of different segments in Australia. Also, the management should intensify the use of marketing campaigns. The campaigns can enhance the reach of more customers, identify some of their needs, and further affects their attitudes towards the company and its products. This closeness and interactions with the customers at the grassroots will foster a good relation hence reducing some of their consideration before making purchases. Finally, the management should consider establishing career development programs. These programs should include training, coaching and seminars just to impart the relevant and current skills about consumer behavior. As a result, the marketers will use the skills to identify some influences and induce consumer purchases. Conclusions In conclusion, this dynamic and complex customer purchase behavior is a challenge to most of the marketers in developing appropriate marketing strategies. Apparently, most of the marketing mix and promotional strategies applied by organizations have failed to adequately address the challenge. Research is, however, believed to supplement technology in understanding the unknown characters about consumers. Marketing, therefore, intends to influence the customers in making a decision regarding a product and further make a purchase. It is the responsibility of the marketers to accurately position the product and assist the consumer to understand more about the product. Doing this can enhance purchase of a commodity and even create loyalty that automatically results in a repetitive purchase. The report has further, acknowledged the use of Porters five forces and marketing and promotional mix to assist in fully understanding of current internal and external customer behavior influences. References Awa, H. O., Kalu, S. E., Awara, N. F. (2010). An Empirical Investigation of Cultural Factors and Consumption Patterns Correlates in the South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria: International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 2, No. 1, PP 185-199. Blythe, J. (2009). Consumer Behavior: Thomson Learning. United Kingdom. Chowdhury. I. A. (2007). Consumer Behavior: Bangladesh Open University Journal, No5, PP. 310-316 Cook, S. (2008). Customer Care Excellence: How to Create an Effective Customer Focus. 5th Edition. Kogan Page. Frey, B. (2008). Motivation crowding theory: A new approach to behavior. In Behavioral economics and public policy: roundtable proceedings. Australian Government Productivity Commission. Haliru, M. (2013). Culture and Values in Consumer Behavior: The Nigerian Experience International Journal of Arts and Commerce, Vol. 2 No. 10, PP 102-113. Hawkins, D., Best, R., Coney, K. (2000). Consumer Behavior Building Marketing Strategy: New York. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Retrieved on 22 Jan, 2017, from: Heath, R. (2001). The hidden power of advertising: how low involvement processing influences the way we choose brands. London. Jobber, D. (2007). Principles and Practice of Marketing. 5th Edition, London: McGraw Hill. Kardes, F., Cronley, M. Cline, T. (2008). Consumer Behavior: South-Western, Gengage Learning. USA. Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J Wong, V. (2005). Principles of Marketing: 4th edition. Prentice-Hall Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. (2010). Principles of Marketing (13th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Kotler, P, Keller, L. (2006). Marketing Management: McGraw Hill Inc, New Delhi. Lancaster, G., Massingham, L. and Ashford, R. (2002). Essentials of Marketing: Fourth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Mathur, U. C. (2008). International Marketing Management: Text and cases. Sage Publications. Martinez, P., (2012). The consumer mind: brand perception and the implication for marketers. London: Kogan Page. Murat, A. (2011). Predicting Consumers Behavioral Intentions with Perceptions of Brand Personality: A Study in Cell Phone Markets International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 6, No. 6; June PP 102-113. OCass, A. (2000). An assessment of consumers product, purchase decision, advertising and consumption involvement in fashion clothing: Journal of Economic Psychology, 21(5), 545576. Rogers, E. M. (2010). Diffusion of Innovations, 4th Edition. Retrieved from Salomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S., Hogg, M. k. (2010). Consumer Behavior. A European Perspective. Sarker, S., Bose. T.K., Palit. M., Haque, E. (2013). Influence of personality in buying consumer goods: A comparative study between neo-Freudian theories and trait theory based on Khulna region. International Journal of Business and Economics Research vol; 2, No 3, PP: 41-58. Schiffman, L.G., Kanuk, L. (2008). Consumer Behavior: Prentice Hall, NY Tan, H.H., Foo, M.D Kwek, M.H. (2004).The Effects of Customer Personality Traits On The Display of Positive Emotions Academy of Management Journal Vol. 47, No. 2, 287296. Vargas, R.D. (2013). Integrated Marketing Communications: An Effective, Comprehensive Approach, Business Ventures. 5(5), pp. 2-10 Whiteside, S. P., Lynam, D. R. (2001). The Five Factor Model and impulsivity: using a structural model of personality to understand impulsivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(4), 669689.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Origin of Rap Music and its Dependance on High Technology free essay sample

To link modern rap back to traditions such as jump- rope songs or the dozens is to take the art form out of its cultural context; her analysis cements rap music into its cultural milieu, excluding any exploration into historical, transactional connections between rap and past oral traditions. If we avoid looking at rap culture as a means to an end, or as an outgrowth of cultural and political circumstance, we can focus on the music itself, and aka such connective jumps more easily.Hip-hops link to technology is overly apparent, but its essentialness link to literate communication and thought may not be as significant as some would believe: Rap lyrics are oral performances that display written (literate) forms of thought and communication. (Rose 88) Roses assertion is true, for the most part; but to what extent rap music depends upon literacy for the creation of its sound and culture is debatable. We will write a custom essay sample on Origin of Rap Music and its Dependance on High Technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The fact that rap artists write lyrics and subsequently orally perform the texts is not sufficient grounds to sever the link between AP and non-textual royalty completely.Rose deems rap a far cry (Rose 88) from oral epic poetry; by breaking down dismissive assertions such as this one, we can expose an element of hip-hop culture that possibly transcends literate technology and the age of mechanical reproduction. In her book, Rose overlooks the cipher culture within the larger rap m USIA community. The term cipher essentially means a group of people freestyles rap lyrics one after another, in a kind of competitionfreestyles rap lyrics involves stringing verses together improvisational.The rappers try to maintain the lyrical flow by rhyming the consecutive verses as best they can, striving for the tightest off the top of the head rhyme. Freestyle sessions on urban street corners were essential to the beginnings of rap music, and the freestyle element plays a major role in todays hip-hop culture, as verified by Virginia rapper Mad Skills 1996 lyrics: Buck the bull*censored*in the cipher *censored* is true The rhymes get spit and the asss get tapped Some innings dont have jack?some innings Got contracts Representation keeping broths tighter Peace to Masc. who did time in the cipherRap music freestyle provides an interesting point of reference to royalty, in that its production involves techniqu es similar to those used by epic poets from pre-textual oral cultures. In Walter J. Ones book Royalty and Literacy, Eng details a study done by linguistic scholar Mailman Parry, and later extended by Lord, of the memorization and recitation of Homeric epics before the poems were committed to text. The question these studies attempted to answer was how could these long epics be memorized without a text? .Eng explains one of the answers found in the study: With [the epic totes] hexameters vocabulary, he could fabricate correct met racial lines without end, so long as he was dealing with traditional materials. (Eng 58) Epic oral poets had massive stores of ready-made, metered lines, and e equally massive banks of cliches and adjectives used to extol the virtues of the IR epic heroes. Since rap freestyles are improvisations, memorization and meter fitting have little or no impact on the composition of the lyrics. What concern ins freestyle artists most is rhyming the last syllables of the verses.To maintain lyrical I rhythm and rhymed verse, rap artists have an infinite store of urban slang and cliches that can be used to fit their rhyme schemes. Use of this array of vocal bulbar applies to freestyle and written verse. While try Eng not to break from their largely self-established rhythms Resembling the methods of oral p outs, rap music culture has established a vocabulary of slang and cultural refer once that is specific to the rap community, and is utilized freely by those with in it for artistic expression, as well as everyday communication.Rapper Punisher, in a freestyle done at a fast pace, exhibits the use of this type of extended communal language: Ill make it last with the cough got If not Ill blow your spot If notJoey Crack please load the clock Let these innings learn the hard way The word to God way The mother*censored*in murder mob way In addition to this extensive, community-specific vocabulary, rap acts such as Biz Marker and Dads VEX bend words and shatter established syllabic in order to f it their lyrical objectives.By using the extended language provided by rap culture, striving to fit lyrical or rhyming needs becomes a less formidable roadblock KC in the composition of written o r freestyle rap lyrics. Boasting or fluting by epic heroes is characteristic of oral epic poet rye from many oral cultures. This reciprocated verbal bragging is usually manifested in a competition between the hero and his adversary, battling to see who ca n boast the most effectively.These poetic exchanges serve the purpose of enforcer icing the heros Olympian stature, and of illustrating his skill in confrontation through the verbal battles. Walter Eng likens fluting to the Caribbean/African American verbal game called the dozensan exchange in which two men ping-upon g insults of each others mother back and forth. The thematic evolution of rap lyrics has led to rap artists often boasting of their own prowess in their rhymes.Cool G Rap paints a glamorous self-poor trait in his first solo album: And once again its big G Running the number rackets Wearing Apple jackets Fast loot tactics Im well up in the millionaire bracket Jacuzzi and saunas And eating steak at Banishes Bentleys limousine A front yard stream Thats full of piranhas Rappers extol their capabilities while laying their competitors to rest boasting about anything and everything, including lyrical skills, material lath, what weapons they claim to carry, their sexual activity, their ability to sell drugs or commit crime without going to prison, and the list goes on.With rap themes so often alluding to survival and individual prominence in urban life, rappers have, in a sense, become their own epic heroes. This theme applies so widely that the prolific rap artist often comes through as a prolific man in his lyrics. * P* In Black Noise, when Rose refers to specific rap lyrics, it is done most often to Stress the importance Of textually, authorship, and technology in the music. Rap lyrics are a critical part of a rappers identity, tryingly suggesting the importance of authorship and individuality in rap music. (Rose 95) Rose illustrates her point by using a dated L. L. Cool J song as her reference.In the lyrical excerpt the rappers identity is repeated several times, with boas ting strung throughout the rhyme. The lyrics complement what Rose has to say about authorship and individuality in rap songs; but in todays hip-hop world, such extreme egocentricity and identity propulsion in lyrics has become increasingly looked down upon and disregarded. Artists have a stronger sense of working WI thin a community today, I believe, than hey did three or four years ago. Indeed, rap artists often work to establish an identity through their lyrics, but tee actual authorship may not be as significant a motivation for this tendency as Ross e assumes.A characteristic of oral cultures and oral memory noted by Eng is the tee indecency of these cultures to slough off obsolete or dated components of tradition in order to make room for changing trends and information. As hip-hop cult re moved from the asss into the asss, certain elements of the culture were pushes d aside and forgotten, while others were remembered and maintained. In raps pa SST ten ears weve seen Performances come and go, gangster rap reach its apex, R UN D. M. C. s Aids make way for Simi n Weekends Timberlands, and KIRKS Ones 198 5 mm updated by the Beatings 1 993 Reign of the Etc. But little from the pa SST ever completely eludes the memory of rap culture. Rap has a strong sense of tradition for an art form created less than twenty years ago. Rose alludes to t he ability of sampling technology to assist in maintaining the past in rap music s present. Rap acts of today sample lyrics by Rake that were released ten yea RSI ago; although Rake hasnt made an album in four years, earning his sampled v choice today is not seen as a revival of a hip-hop image, but is taken for grant De as a continual interspersion of past and present.When rap artists perform for audiences, the link between the oral perform menace and a memorized text becomes blurred. The Dads will have the instrumental s from the mass-produced albums, but rappers rarely recite lyrics from the record deed songs verbatim. A rap artist might recite the hook, if the song has one, an d stick to a considerable portion of the original lyrics; but (like oral poets ) he will spontaneously toy with the lyricshow much and n what ways depends I argyle upon the performers mood and the audience on a given night.At a Tribe Called Quest show in 1994, rapper Fife was performing a popular track, but at a break in the track he substituted the album lyrics with something like Ill buy urn the house down like TTL. This lyrical alteration was a reference to a then- recent incident in which a member of female pop band TTL set fire to the mansion of her ex-romantic interest and N. F. L. Star Andre Orison. The reference was MIM dilate recognized, and the audience responded accordingly. However, with rap acts often falling into the web of chart-minded labels and management, rappers a re less able to Stray from their recorded product.When a rap act Sees one Of TTS records sky across the pop charts, their awareness of audience familiarity an d expectation reaches new heights as well. When the text of a song becomes IM printed on the minds of millions of people, rap acts become reluctant to break t hat chain of familiarity and identification. Mass- production technology often m taste raps oral expression into the readable, marketable form of a standardize d text. The notions of identity and tutorship in rap are largely attributable t o the wide-scale image marketing that characterizes the modern music industry.

Monday, November 25, 2019

“the Awakening” from a Feminist Perspective Essay Example

â€Å"the Awakening† from a Feminist Perspective Essay Example â€Å"the Awakening† from a Feminist Perspective Essay â€Å"the Awakening† from a Feminist Perspective Essay Essay Topic: The Awakening Running Head: â€Å"THE AWAKENING† FROM A FEMINIST PERSPECTIVE In Kate Chopin’s novel, â€Å"The Awakening†, Edna finds herself in a society where women were socially confined to be mothers and wives. This novel embodies the struggle of women in the society for independence along with the presence of women struggling to live up to the demands that their strict culture has placed upon them. A part of Edna wants to meet the standards of mother and wife that society has set, however her biggest desire is to be a woman free from the oppression of a society that is male dominant. Readers will find that the foundation of â€Å"The Awakening† the feminist perspective because of the passion that Edna has for gaining her own identity, and independence, which was not customary in the era of the 1800s. Kate Chopin reveals the social construction of the setting in the novel in subtle phrases placed throughout chapter one. Readers start to understand that a male is the dominate gender from the choice of word Chopin uses to describe how Leonce’s expression after Edna returned home from bathing, â€Å"looking at his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage† (Chopin, 2005). This description of the husbands expression in chapter one a vital phrase when analyzing the novel from a Feminist Perspective. Leonce viewed Edna as a piece of property that he owned rather than his partner in life. Feminism, in general, is the idea that people regardless of gender, should not oppressed and devalued by being treated as property. Reading further it is evident that, Edna is quite aware of what society expects of her. Because of this awareness of social demands and her own personal desires, Edna begins to struggle with her identity creating an inner turmoil when confronted about the care of their children. Edna becomes so overwhelmed because she is struggle to decide whether she should conform to societies demands of serving her family, or breaking free of society to follow her desires of obtaining her independence from her husband and men in general. Edna, after understanding her oppression fully, starts to utilize the ocean as comfort and also as a means to practice being independent. In the novel, Chopin uses the ocean as a setting and also symbolism. Looking t how the ocean is used from feminist perspective, readers will understand that Edna find comfort in the ocean because since the ocean is not judgmental toward her. To Edna, the ocean is a safe zone where she can be herself. The ocean allows Edna to express her feel from site and the sounds that she hears and see, â€Å"and the everlasting voice of the sea, that was not uplifted at that soft hour. It broke like a mournful lullaby upon the night. The tears came so fast to Mrs. Pontelliers eyes that the damp sleeve of her peigno ir no longer served to dry them† (Chopin, 2005). It Begins to become apparent to readers that the ocean reflect, and comfort to Edna as she is confronted with the emotions of how unhappy she was with her marriage. The personification of the ocean in this particular excerpt gives readers the sense that the ocean is serving as a manifestation if Edna’s thoughts and feelings. The ocean being said to voice a â€Å"mournful lullaby† is the reflection of what Edna is experiencing within. The ocean also gives Edna a chance to practice her independence when she decided to swim without guidance. Swimming is a symbolic element of Edna taking a small step to gaining her independence. Edna views the action of swimming without guidance as a chance to test whether she is, in fact, strong enough to break free of social oppression, â€Å"She grew daring and reckless, overestimating her strength. She wanted to swim far out, where no woman had swum before† (Chopin, 2005). While venturing into the ocean, she turns and notices that she didn’t get far from the shore as she thought. This realization made Edna become frightened enough to head back to the shore. The fear that came over Edna was not just because she was swimming alone but also because she took this experience as a prediction of what would happen to her if she decided to free herself from the oppressive society she lived in, â€Å"She made no mention of her encounter with death and her flash of terror, except to say to her husband, I thought I should have perished out there alone† (Chopin, 2005). Although she was just attempting to swim alone, she saw this experience as a great failure because the fear or â€Å"encounter with death† prevented her from moving forward with the goal that she set for herself. The frustration that stemmed from this experience carried to that night where she asserted herself to her husband by defying his wishes. Her assertion was her first experience of freedom from oppression. â€Å"The Awakening† gives readers different view of feminism. The novel not only displays how Edna begin to gain independence from the role of an obedient wife but the novel also embodies of how Edna gains control of her body. The idea of Feminism rebukes people from being treated as property. This notion of feminism not only applies to independence but also freedom of making decisions, in Edna’s case, Decisions about her body and sexuality. Edna cared for her husband and appreciated how well he took care of their family. However, she didn’t love him, â€Å"she had married without love as an excuse† (Chopin, 2005). This being evident in the novel, it’s no surprise the Edna started to stray from her marriage to Leonce. The estrangement between the couple started earlier in the novel with Robert Lebrun. Although there were no indications of a physical encounter with Robert, Edna did develop an emotional relationship with Robert. Edna reaction of Robert leaving for Mexico shows the readers that she had already distanced herself emotionally from her husband and started an emotional relationship with Robert, â€Å"For the first time she recognized the symptoms of infatuation which she had felt incipiently as a child, as a girl in her earliest teens, and later as a young woman† (Chopin, 2005). The distance in Edna’s marriage grew when she came into contact with Alcee. Edna’s relationship with Alcee was first emotional because she became fonder of him the more time they spent together; â€Å"They became intimate and friendly by imperceptible degrees, and then by leaps† (Chopin, 2005). However the new relationship with Alcee was not abruptly ended like the relationship with Robert. Edna’s relationship with Alcee then turned physical, â€Å"When he leaned forward and kissed her, she clasped his head, holding his lips to hers† (Chopin, 2005). Slowly, throughout the novel readers can see that feminist idea of Edna having the freedom to have control over her body and sexuality. This control that only she possessed to make the decision on furthering her relationship with Alcee brought her great sorrow but it also shows how Edna had grown in obtaining her freedom from oppression. In light of Edna’s newfound freedom to control her body and sexuality, readers can connect two perspectives, Feminist and also Psychoanalytical. The Psychoanalytical Perspective enables readers to see deeper into the text and reveal deeper meanings to the story or novel. In â€Å"The Awakening†, readers can conclude that Edna’s encounters with both Robert and Alcee are both unconscious decisions that were a result from childhood experiences. Edna reflected briefly over her childhood in chapter seven where she question why she married a man that she was not in love with. When reading this reflection in a Psychoanalytical Perspective the readers can conclude that Edna married her husband Leonce out of fear of disappointment by her father. â€Å"Add to this the violent opposition of her father and her sister Margaret to her marriage with a Catholic, and we need seek no further for the motives which led her to accept Monsieur Pontellier. For her husband†(Chopin, 2005). Because of Edna’s fear of disappointment she looked no further for love and settled on marrying Leonce, whose religion and respectable personality would be accepted by her father. Her Father is shown to be a somewhat important force in Edna’s life by her servitude when he arrived for a visit â€Å"His coming was in the nature of a welcome disturbance; it seemed to furnish a new direction for her emotions† (Chopin, 2005). Given the fact that Edna only married her husband Leonce because of family expectation, readers can also conclude that this is why Edna was more susceptible to committing adultery both emotionally and physically. In light of the feminist perspective, there is also a trace of the historical perspective in the novel â€Å"The Awakening†. One dominates area where Historical evidence is found in when Edna commits suicide. Although this act does mirror the idea of feminism because this was the ultimate choice that Edna could decide to do to herself there is also evidence of that the time in which the events happen played a bigger part in her decision. In the time era of the 1800s the society was male dominated. The social construction of society left very little room for many females to seek independence from men. Edna’s passion to seek her independence from men left her secluded from the social world. The seclusion that Edna experienced made her feel like the outcast of the community. After slowly escaping the oppression that society demanded of women in the 1800s, she than found herself oppressed by her passionate personality, which distance her from her family. However, she does care about her family she thinks that if they did not think that they could posses things would have turned out differently She thought of Leonce and the children. They were a part of her life. But they need not have thought that they could possess her, body and soul† (Chopin, 2005). â€Å"The Awakening†, is a novel about a women who struggled to find herself and freedom from the social construction in the late 1800s. The social construction that Kate Chopin chose for this novel mirrors the view of feminism for women both mentally and physically. However in this time era the character Edna was at a disadvantage since there were limited social outlets for women of her social standing. Because of these factors, Edna ultimately made the biggest decision, committing suicide. This bittersweet novel embodies elements of feminism, historical and psychoanalytical perspectives that gives the reader a deeper and more fulfilling understanding of the novel. Reference(s) Chopin, K. (2005). The awakening [VitalSource digital version]. Raleigh, NC: Hayes Barton Press.

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Look at the Idea of Equity as Per the Civil Law System

A Look at the Idea of Equity as Per the Civil Law System In the English common law system equity is the principle which governs the legal system. Equity in general happens to be nothing but a basic set of rules or legal principles and maxims which possess the power and legitimacy to override the law in question. This is the system which has given the civil legal system all its limbs and extensions. The civil law legal system basically flows from equity. It is said rather believed and proved beyond any dispute that the principle of equity on the whole alleviates the severity that exists in the common law system and overshadows it . It allows the courts to apply their prudence and relate fairness in unity with the natural law system. In reality, contemporary equity is restricted by procedural and substantive system. English legal critiques lean to spot on technological features of equity. In the case of historical criticism the critiques state that the equity was lacking of the prompted rule in the initial stage. Lord Chancellor seldom arbit rated in the major features of the equity in according to his principles . Various critics state that the equity must be flexible in nature. This paper attempts to explore the theory of flexibility in the equity principle. Along with that this paper attempts to explore the effect of growth and development in the principle of equity in the modern aspect. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONCEPT OF EQUITY: That court order provide him the written privilege to re-admission to his own territory and recognized this privilege in the defense of the violation of his right of property of his land. In the year of 1253, to avoid judges from discovering fresh writs, legislature stated that the authority to concern writs would after that be moved to judges merely one writ at a single phrase of time, in a writ for privilege wrap up recognized as a outline of act. As a result of deficiency in a legal cure, the only alternative of plaintiff could be pleading to the King . So, as a result of it, populace started pleading to the King for reprieve against unjust court decisions, and as the community of petitioners speedily developed, so the King hand over the job of trial those appeals to Lord Chancellor . As the premature stage Chancellors had short of official legal guidance and produced small observance for precedent, their conclusions were over and over again widely miscellaneous. In near about the year of 1529, an advocate named as Sir Thomas More, was selected in the position for Chancellor which makes the commencement of an innovative era. The question put forth primarily concerned its worth and the certainty it possessed. While on one hand, one chancellor could have a long foot and the other could have a short one while in the other instance, the third one could have yet another different measure of it. The problem would be that all of it would qualify to be a similar thing in the conscience of a chancellor. With the development of the law of equity, it saw a rising conflict and rivalry with the common law principles. The parties to a dispute might indulge in â€Å"litigation shopping† and thus would look for an equitable restraint that shall impose a prohibition on the enforcement of the orders of the common law. The punishment that was imposed for not having obeyed the equitable â€Å"common injunction† and enforcement options that was given by the judgment of the common law courts amounted to an imprisonment . Sir Edward Coke, who happened to be the Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, initiated the system in which the writ of habeas corpus began to be issued which demanded that those offenders who were imprisoned for having made contempt of the chancery orders would be made to go on release. This difficulty that was ongoing reached a highest threshold in the case of Earl of Oxford (1615) where the decision that was delivered by Chief Justice Coke, was wrongfully obtained by commission of a fraud. Lord Ellesmere, who was the Lord Chancellor, passed a linked injunction from the Court of Chancery which expressly imposed a prohibition on the common law order from being enforced. The two conflicting courts became stuck up in a standoff and subsequently, the matter was referred to Sir Francis Bacon who happened to be the Attorney General. Sir Francis Bacon referred to seek the authority of King James I and under such authority, he upheld that the common injunction can be granted and it was also concluded by him that in case if any conflict lies between common law and equity, what would remain in existence is equity . DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN EQUITY: Post 1473, the legal system witnessed a development of the Chancery system where the rights of the parties were determined by the Courts based on its own issued decrees and actions. Gradually problems started arising with the different mode of action of the chancery system and based upon situations when the decisions came directly under conflict with the prevalent system under the common law . The process in the Court was not related to the issue of writs per se but was concerned with the putting forth of a petition that was under the requirement of the fact that the complaint that is the subpoena should be given attention but at the same time, there should be ample room of prevention that should be provided to prevent any action under common law and at the same time, prevent from issuing any kinds of injunctions . Thomas Moore has advocated for the proposition that injunctions or any kinds of restraints should not be issued in case if the judges who occupy the seats in the common la w courts would resolve with the harsh reality of the system but at the same time, if they fail to agree and conjointly decide on a single issue in a situation when the systems under existence were under the fate of destiny to collide and concur. In the year 1617, the Chief Justice of the King’s Bench was Sir Edward Coke. The Chief Justice put forward complain to the then king James I who gave an affirmation to the rights of the chancellor which eventually gave development to the equity jurisdiction. Settled principled were subsequently developed by the Chancellors who succeeded. The most notable figures in this development were Lord Nottingham who is popularly referred to as the father, Lord Hardwicke who happened to be the developer of the principles that were settled and Lord Eldon who is known as the consolidator. There was a massive dissatisfaction that was caused in the Chancery. What was the most attributable cause for this discontent in the Chancery was that there was a buffer increase of workload and the administration happened to be highly ineffective . This ineffectiveness came in association with the fee structure. This entire list of exhaustive causes resulted in the dissatisfaction there in the Chancery. In order to resolve this dispute, more number of appointments with regard to judges was made and a harmonious situation was intended to achieve . The remedies that were assimilated with the harmonious construction between the provisions of the common law and equity facilitated this regard. The resulting legislations in this regard were the Common Law Procedure Act 1854 and Chancery Law Amendment Act 1858. It was eventually felt that that time has been attained which immediately demands for further reform. THE FLEXIBILITY IN THE THEORY OF EQUITY: Generally it is presumed that equity principle is an opposite or sometime complementary to the common law legal system . Whenever the law is strict the equity provision remains flexible on that particular matter. This principle advocates for the discretionary of the court of judges rather depending on only to the rules and law. This principle provides for justice rather those establishing mere rights of the parties. In the feminist jurisprudence the profounder claims that the law of equity advocates for the justice to the women by applying the rule of flexibility. Though, many people argue that the proper flexibility in terms of equity is an imaginary thing. Lord Denning advocates that there is a need for a new Equity. He state that the established law can be changed for the obvious and good reasons and for the requirement of the society. After 50 years of this approach, there were so many modifications are made according to need of the society. The claim of the Lord Denning is consi dered to be one of the most modern approaches to the concept of equity . FEMINISM IN EQUITY: Feminism in equity and feminism in gender are the two classifications of feminism the definition of which was for the first time put forward by the eminent scholar Christina Hoff Sommers in herself authored book â€Å"Who Stole Feminism?† She went on to give the description of feminism in equity as possessing the objective of ideology of ascertaining equal and legitimate rights as conferred under law to both men and women. She went on to define feminism in gender as possessing the intention of combating the challenges put forth under sexism and social structures of patriarchy which come to be addressed in everyday practice associated to society and cultural diversity. Sommers herself very strongly stands for advocating her view which she gives preference of calling feminism in equity and at the same time, she continues to constantly criticise her concept of what continues to be feminism in gender . Sommers gives a description of feminism in equity as an ideology that has its roots deeply implanted in the essence of classical aspects of liberalism that has the specific aim to attain an entirely equal footing as far as the civil and equal rights of women are concerned. Experimental psychologist Steven Pinker gives an exhaustive expansion on what Sommers has stated. he continues to say that feminism in equity is nothing but a simple moral doctrine which has its basic impetus on treating men and women equally. it makes absolutely no commitments that require and give regard to livid and unenclosed issues possessing an empirical nature that exist either in psychology or in biology. As per the views of the researcher, after having analysed, the entire aspects of the existing law, and the various perspectives of the equity, it can be said that in order to have a proper reform on the field of feminism, equity can be totally argued in favour. As far as the different dimensions of feminism are concerned, various researchers witness a significant restructuring associated with the construction and deconstruction of the law. Of course, there are certain exceptions to this feasible option as regarded in Wong’s essay titles â€Å"Property Rights For Home-Sharers: Equity Versus A Legislative Framework†. Another scholarly work which points the underlying exceptions is given in Fehlberg’s study of Sexually Transmitted Debt. RELEVANT CASES ON THE PURPOSES OF DEVELOPMENT: Williams and Glyn’s Bank v. Boland is an important case in this discussion. This is important aspect in the modification of the mortgage industry. In this case for the very first time lenders would have take consideration of a woman at home. But the court of Appeal extended the offered protection to Mrs. Boland. In the later part of the 20th century the position of equity increased and advocates the situation of flexible and adoptable rather than mere technical and rigid. The house of lords focuses on the progress of equity. The equitable principles create more bendable to the urge of the woman and feminism. In the case of Re Roger, Lord Denning develop a fresh role for the equitable principle or equity. The increase in home ownership provision, cases of divorce, cohabitation outside the institution of marriage creates the reform in the property law in 1925. The law court applied the law of trust to find out solution in the case of Mrs. Roger. But the Lord Denning was opposing the technical and rigid application of the law of equity. It creates a new development in the case of equity. The justice appealed for the flexibility in the concept of equity. In the case of Rimmer v. Rimmer , Lord Denning declared a new aspect of equity principle regarding the flexibility. The law and judgment provide that the family ownership is the joint ownership between husband and wife. The view of flexibility in the law advocates for the wife’s equitable right in the property. The concept of flexibility approach in the equity carry is forward by Lord Diplock in the case of Gissing v. Gissing . The flexibility principle basically helps to construct he feminism approach to the principle of equity in the modern aspect. The development of this is taken place by different cases. Lord Bridge contributes than women paid less to the house hold because they have less access to the financial stability. Women generally utilize their money to house hold things and on their children as described in the case of Burns v. Burns . In this case the House of Lords admit the injustice to the women in 1990’s regarding the application of equity principle. Justice Harman in 1950 state that equity is assumed not to fulfill the period of child rearing, but in the era of 1952 the situation is changes. In 1952 Lord Denning claim that the equity need a good and fresh approach in the modern era. But the flexibility becomes a myth. It fails to protect the claims and interest of the women. Though the evaluation procedure is still ongoing but it requires more flexibility in to ensure the right of the woman. CONCLUSION: It can be said that it will become totally wrong to say that equity has essentially been a concept under female dominance. The critical study of the law under equity clearly indicates that it has gradually gone through various kinds of changes over the years and has evolved manifold. The development can be said to have been a critical issue and it is something which has always thrived to be on the positive side of the slope. Though, there are certain flaws in the existing system, yet it is also not unknown to us that even the best legal system has flaws in it and considering that in view, it can be said that the existing flaws are negligible. The only requirement at this point of time is that equity needs to be a bit more flexible in those points where the law remains strict and unbent. It also needs to be a bit more discretionary where the law remains obligatory and binds the citizen under its purview. It also needs to be a bit more humane because the main thing with which it is con cerned is doing and imparting â€Å"justice† rather than giving and justifying the ascertainable â€Å"rights†.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business - Case Study Example Since Carl was relatively new to the system, it was the duty of supervisor to monitor Carl and guide him towards the proper direction. The supervisor should also have offered assistance to Carl in terms of the orientation of the new employees. The next half of the project will present a brief background of the case. As offering a brief background to the case will help to understand the latter half of the report. Background It was during the early April when Mr. Carl Robins, the new campus recruiter of ABC Inc., hired 15 new employees. The employees were supposed to work for Monica Carrolls, who was the Operations Supervisor. After the process of recruitment Carl scheduled an orientation program for the newly recruited employees, which was supposed to take place on 15th June. His primary intention was to ensure that after providing adequate training to the staff, they will be fit for joining by the beginning of July. On May 15th, the operational supervisor, Monica Carrolls contacted C arl to discuss about the training sessions. Apart from that the discussion also took place about the schedule of training, medical checkup, physical test, orientation, handing over the policy booklets to the employees and a list of other issues. During the conversation Carl reassured Monica Carrolls that all the required amenities will be in place within the stipulated time frame. He also quoted that during the time employee orientation will commence every employee will be present along with their application forms. Carl got back to work just after the Memorial Day weekend, in order to check whether all the employee applications were completed or not. As he was going through it, he suddenly realized that there was a shortage of adequate pieces of the orientation manual. Moreover there were also missing pages in between the manual. After witnessing these occurrences, Carl become anxious when he comprehended that not a single newly recruited employees had received the obligatory drug screening. Apart from that Carl was shocked to know the news that the room where the training was supposed to take place was pre occupied by another client (Solve my question, 2012). Hence there was also unavailability of the training room. Key Problems The given case has to deal with a number of problems. The most important of them all is related to the way, campus recruiter Carl Robbins has planned, implemented and followed up. Mr. Robbins at first neglected to coordinate with his supervisor. This depicts that the recruiter feels himself as self sufficient. Apart from that he has misguided the employees as well as operational supervisor. He did not communicate the exact time, when the new employees will be attending the obligatory drug screening. He did not arranged adequate copies of orientation manual and also failed to fill up the applications of the newly recruited employees. Even the orientation manuals have few pages missing. This demonstrates how careless he was while perfo rming his duty. It also exhibits his lack of professionalism and responsibility. The recruiter also had enough time in order to make sure that everything would be in place prior to the commencement of the training schedule on the 15th of June. However, Carl was also new to the system and therefore it becomes the duty of the supervisor to train him or guide him

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

LEED Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LEED - Essay Example LEED for new constructions addresses design and construction activities for new buildings and renovations; it helps lay a sustainable foundation for operation and maintenance practises after the completion of the building. In the existing buildings, LEED requires that they implement sustainable practises that will minimise negative impact on the environment. Such practises include water and power utilization, use of environment friendly materials for maintenance and adjustments, sustainable policies on buying and waste stream administration among others. LEED program for core and shell can be used where the developers have the control of the design and erection of the whole core and shell base structure but has no control of the internal tenant fittings. In commercial interiors, it mainly focuses on tenants who have leased some specific parts of the building to create working environment that is healthy, productive to work in and that does disturb the balance of environmental conditi ons thriving within the building. LEED for retail is concerned with the unique nature of the conditions needed for retail businesses; it uses the different needs for various retail businesses such as opening hours, parking needs, water and energy requirements among others. In view of this, LEED program provides two options for projects seeking certification; they include new construction and major renovation that addresses the details of construction or substantial renovations in retail buildings and commercial interior, which is concerned, with details about tenant space where the tenant is changing already existing fittings. In home construction, the LEED program is concerned with ensuring habitable conditions that provide maximum health benefits to the people living in the homes and at the same time making substantial savings on crucial resources such as fuel and water. LEED for Neighbourhood enlargement ensures that neighbourhoods, partial neighbourhoods or multiple neighbourhoo ds are constructed in a way that integrates ideologies of responsible expansion, urbanism and environment friendly construction into the initial nationalized scheme for neighbourhood plan. LEED for school was developed to address design and construction of K-12 schools; it is concerned with class acoustics, mould preclusion, major preparation and ecological site appraisal. Due to the specific needs of the health care environment, the LEED program for new construction would not be able to address all these needs therefore the need to have a program that was specifically designed for health care. This program is concerned with creating healthful, durable and affordable practises that are friendly to the environment and conducive for medical activities. The rating system consists of several credit categories that include the following: sustainable sites credit that encourage building strategies to minimise negative impact on the environment, water efficiency credits to encourage effici ency in water consumption, energy and atmosphere credits that encourage efficient energy performance (Cottrell, 2011). The credits also include material and resources credits that encourage use of sustainable building materials and indoor environmental air quality credits that promote better indoor air quality and access to light. The various credits have

Saturday, November 16, 2019

North and South Korea Essay Example for Free

North and South Korea Essay North Korea and South Korea are similar but yet different in many ways, such as in economies. North Koreas economy seems to need support from other countries to survive. South Korea’s seem too able to rebuild their economy even stronger than it was before from the Korean War. North Korea is under a strict communist dictatorship. N. Koreas leader is Kim Jong II. He came to power in 1994 after his father died. North Korea has a large military and command economy. The average Korean person lives in poverty. The impoverished population is dependent on government taxes in housing and food. The farming is based on inefficient communist state farms. Drought and floods cause food shortage. In 1990, when the Soviet Union aid collapsed, North Korea economy collapsed with it. South Korea’s economy is military dominated. In South Korea, there is more rights and freedom than North Korea. With the help of U.S., they were able to recover after the Korean War. They developed from a poor country into an industrial export economy in just a few years. Now, South Korea has major industries such as shipbuilding, steel, automobiles, textiles, and electronics. In order to rebuild their economy, they set up a business model. Chaebol is a family-owned business, dominated South Korea economy and political system. They control about all of the manufacturing and exports in South Korea, with this factor it prevents competition from other countries and led to corruption and debt. South Korea’s government passed out forms to improve their country economy with ideas of have an open market to foreign investment and competition. S. Korea’s capital, Seoul, is the growing industrial center of South Korea. Seoul became successful after the Korean War. South Korea economy is a market economy system and North Korea has central planned economy. South Korea market economy has improved, in thing such as GDP of domestic product, since the Korean War.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Death Penalty Essay -- essays research papers fc

Capital Punishment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Murder is the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. This country believes killings someone under certain circumstances is acceptable; this should not be the case. Capital punishment, the death penalty, is the maximum sentence used in punishing people who kill another human being. It is one of the most controversial topics in America today. Capital punishment is still murder, simple as that. The death penalty needs to be abolished in all states. There are too many flaws that come with this punishment. Innocent people can be executed, it is morally wrong, and it does not discourage, or deter crime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From 1976 to the present, data from The Death Penalty states one hundred and nineteen death row inmates have been found innocent and set free prior to their execution. Also, at least twenty-three people have been executed who did not commit the crime they were accused of. The average number of years between being sentenced and exoneration is 9.2 years. Paying back someone nine years of their life is impossible; let alone telling someone that is already dead, they are innocent and free to go. These numbers are way too high; errors like this should be caught right away. Wasting years of a mans life, or ending it all together is not what America should stand for. Without the death penalty, an innocent man will at least be able to pick up where he left off, and not be wrongfully executed. Mistakes like these do not need to be made. Another big issue with killing an innocent person is the case remains closed forever. If a case is closed the police will not have reason to look for the real killer. When an innocent person is executed, the real killer is still on the streets, ready to kill someone else. Innocence goes both ways. Innocent murder victims and wrongfully convicted people that are sentenced to death are in the same boat. Both of them had their lives stripped from them when they shouldn’t have. Murdering an innocent person is like executing the wrong person. There is no full proof way of making sure innocent people are not put on death row. Therefore there is no reason for the death penalty, in any state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Any person of any religion can see that the death penalty is morally wrong. There aren’t any religions that pr... ...ot be allowed. Capital punishment is a power that no man or woman deserves to make for another human being. This is taking away the peoples right to live. Capital punishment has no place in today's society. There are too many bad things that can come from the death penalty. Perfectly innocent people can be put on death row, or even executed. It is immoral on so many levels. Also it has never been proven to deter crime. Therefore capital punishment, the death penalty, should be abolished in all states. Innocent or wrongfully convicted people will be able to benefit from this, and stand another chance without the death penalty. Also there is a great chance there will be a decrease in murder rates. Bibliography Works Cited Arguments For & Against the Death Penalty. Death Penalty Curricula for High School. 13 April 2005 . Dieter, Richard. Facts about Deterrence and the Death Penalty. Death Penalty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Information Center. 12 April 2005 . Mitchell, Hayley, ed. The Death Penalty. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 2001. Wekesser, Carol, ed. The Death Penalty: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press, Inc., 1991.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Marine Resources Assignment

1) Five points from the executive summary that is not discussed in the video. The ocean of America benefits its people and those who relies on it. Problems regarding the proper maintenance and how to take good care of the ocean and the creatures living in it have arisen due to some circumstances. People have done a lot of things that harms the ocean. At first, these people did not recognize the negat6ive effect of their activities against them, but now that the problem has grown they fear that someday they will not benefit from the ocean anymore. Regarding this situation, people concerned have analyzed the cause of the problem and how it affects them. And from they information they have gathered from reviewing the cause of the problem, they come up with the possible solutions against the problem regarding the ocean and now they are trying to implement it with the aim of saving the ocean from possible destruction caused by their own activities. Some of the problems have already caused damage to the ocean and effects of it have also affected the people living within the said area. These problems have caused a lot of damage but from these damages people have realized their mistakes and are now trying to come up with it by doing their responsibilities well. From the proper actions done by the people who are concerned in saving the ocean from possible disaster, the ocean is now recovering from the previous damages it have suffered and still continues to regain what it may have lost from the past years. 2) Five points that are discussed I the video and are expanded in the summary. America relies on the ocean for a lot of substantial and vital things they need. Job opportunities for a lot of people living in the coastal area depend on the ocean to maintain their job for their families. Tourism also depends on the ocean because the shore of the ocean has been a recreational area for the past years. But now, the ocean faces major problem. The ocean is now being ruined by the people due to their improper activities which cause negative effects to the ocean. A lot of problems regarding the ocean occur. Some are very much affecting the ocean. Some of these problems exist naturally but a lot of these problems are caused by human recklessness. As we know our part, we should be capable and responsible of doing it well in order to keep our oceans in order. On the other hand, being reckless and irresponsible regarding our duties to protect the ocean causes destruction to the ocean where we got a lot of benefits. The developments of the coastal area are also affecting the ocean. These coastal developments have the tendency to destroy the sanctuary of a lot of marine creatures thus affecting the ecological balance of the ocean’s ecosystem. Another problem is the uncontrollable flow of oil to the ocean’s surface that endangers the lives of marine creatures. Also the population growth of the commercial fishes that lives in the ocean causes another problem because they tend to be a competitor for other marine creatures. Yet on the brighter side of the situation, light of hope exists as we see the improvement of the ocean and the survival of the creatures living in it. These are caused by the activities which are conducted to revive and relive the former healthy ocean we once have. From these lights of hope starts to do our part to resolve the problem and still hopes that from   this we will now be able to take care of oceans well.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Vhdl for Synthesis

ELE591 – VHDL for Synthesis Issue 1. 0: 1st December 2010 The purpose of this laboratory experiment is to familiarise you with the principles of VHDL for synthesis targeted at programmable logic devices. You will observe how various VHDL descriptions result in Register Transfer Level (RTL) implementations and how these can be implemented within specific logic devices. The principles of back-annotation will also be explored and how this can be used to examine performance limitations of specific hardware resource mappings. This lab assumes you are already familiar with Xilinx ISE and ModelSim, given that ELE335 is a prerequisite for this module. If necessary, consult the ELE335 lab guide, which is included in the Coursework section of the ELE591 module webpage. Most of the VHDL files needed for this lab are also available from the same location. Exercise 1: Aim: To compare the results of different architectural descriptions for the same entity Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise1†. Add the file ex1a. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module† †¢ Select the Spartan3 as the target device Compile and synthesise the VHDL description and examine the design report file, paying particular attention to the resource utilisation summary (and timing path analysis). Also examine the RTL design. †¢ Repeat with the files ex1b. vhd and ex1c. vhd and compare the results. Exercise 2: Aim: To illustrate the use of â€Å"don’t care† values in synthesis Steps: †¢ Create a proje ct named â€Å"exercise2†. Add the file docare. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module† †¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Add the file dontcare. hd as a â€Å"VHDL module† and repeat the synthesis. †¢ Compare the report files. Exercise 3: Aim: To illustrate logic resource requirements for conditional versus mutually exclusive input conditions Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise3†. Add the file cond. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module† †¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Add the file exclusiv. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module† and repeat the synthesis. †¢ Compare the report files. Also compare the timings at the design logic level and at the place and route level. Exercise 4: Aim: To review resource and timing requirements of a complex reset function Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise4†. Add the file cntpt. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module† †¢ Compile, synthesise and simulate the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Review the report file paying particular attention to the reset equation. †¢ Now examine the file cntpt2. vhd which employs a synchronous complex reset. †¢ Attempt to simulate the designs and comment on the reset timing in both cases. Exercise 5: Aim: To compare CPLD and FPGA implementations of a FIFO design Steps: Create a project named â€Å"exercise5†. Add the file fifo. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module† †¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Recompile the design for a Coolrunner2. †¢ Compare the report files and the resulting RTL layouts. †¢ Place and route both designs †¢ Compare the design files paying particular attention to the maximum operating frequency and the amount of resources used. Which timing parameter is the limiting factor on the operating frequency in each case? Exercise 6: Aim: To illustrate the effects of implicit memory Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise6†. Add the file memcont. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module† †¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device. †¢ Examine the report file. †¢ Add the file memcont2. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module†. In this file the signal assignments for oe, we and addr are removed from under the reset condition. †¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device. †¢ Compare the report file with that of the original design. Verify that implicit memory resulted in the creation of a combinatorial latch. Exercise 7: Aim: To illustrate the advantage of â€Å"one hot† encoding of large state-machines implemented in FPGA architectures Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise7†. Add the file onehot. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module† †¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Place and route the design and record the number of logic cells required, the setup time, clock-to-output delay and maximum operating frequency. †¢ Now employ the file notonehot. vhd. This uses the synthesis tool to assign values to the various enumerated states. Compile and synthesise the updated design targeting the Spartan3 device. †¢ Place and route the design and record the number of logic cells required, the setup time, clock-to-output delay and maximum operating frequency. †¢ Compare the results with the original design. This series of experiments should be written up as an INDIVIDUAL formal lab report. The report will be limited to a maximum of 8 pages of main text (i. e. omitting title page etc). The hand-in date is the 17th December, unless you are informed otherwise.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Power of TRL essays

The Power of TRL essays Within our generation music has become an essential part of our daily lives. Established favorites ranging from 2PAC to Pearl Jam have touched the lives of many. But today we walk through the record stores seeing more and more new faces among the top ten artists. A wave of boy bands and blondes with beautiful faces are rising out of the woodwork and selling more albums than many established artists of the past. Their faces and voices flood our minds through the television and the radio as many become just as successful as the campaigns that promote then. Today advertising and MTV are working with the music industry to help launch new bands and artists to heights never imagined. MTVs Total Request Live and the proper public exposure are proving to be two of the key components in the success of selling a record. With the help of the internet, information from interviews with Carson Daly, and Rolling Stone magazine, I have gathered the information which seems to make todays pop st ars instant hits. Within the past two years Carson Daly and Total Request Live have rebuilt the pop charts. According to the TRL web site, Carson was once a college student pondering playing the amateur golf circuit and now finds himself the head man of the powerful TRL. TRL attracts fans from around the world and has become the undisputed center of the pop world. By simply playing its viewers requests, the show has become a hit for MTV. It has made unknowns from Brtiney Spears to Kid Rock into stars and is the engine that drives the pop charts. According to the February issue of Rolling Stone Magazine, TRL is now the highest-rated show in its time period among all cable programs, the highest rated MTV daily show, and essential viewing for many. Its impact on the youth has been immense. Everyday at 3:30 TRL reveals the results of its daily poll to thousands. It airs just as kids are returning from school and tar...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Salient Issues In Understanding Islam And Christianity In The Essay

The Salient Issues In Understanding Islam And Christianity In The Twenty-First Century - Essay Example While in the past people used to turn to their religions to solve all their problems, today there is a mix of public attitudes towards religion. This difference in public attitudes is because very few presently properly understand the actual message conveyed by myriad religions. Majority is oblivious to what constitutes the bedrock of most important religions like Islam and Christianity. Some of the most salient reasons explaining what obstacles are encountered by people in thorough understanding of Islam and Christianity will be scrutinized in this essay. The purpose of the following discussion is to explore the major issues faced in the 21st century by both Muslims and Christians. Many misconceptions serve to extend the distance between Muslims and Christians due to which good understanding of these major religions is critically important. Understanding the true spirit of Islam is important. But, there is a variety of stereotypes associated with this religion which convey misleadin g information. These stereotypes need to be identified and corrected because they mislead both Muslims and Christians. The sacred book of Islam, the Qur’an, can help to solve many problems which are faced by Muslims today (Siddiqui 20). This is because many Muslims are religiously quite ignorant despite being highly literate in other areas. When they are approached by non-Muslims for clarification of disturbing and notorious ideas targeting Islam, they have no convincing explanation to offer. This reinforces the doubts and biases in the hearts of non-Muslims and contributes to uncertainty enveloping Islam. Unfortunately, the most influential media groups have decided to tarnish the reputation of Islam by glorifying a few incidents of terrorism and adamantly ignoring many peaceful efforts made by Islamic scholars. Muslims, at large, are portrayed as terrorists who pose potential threat to global peace. This lack of understanding has created many problems for millions of Muslim s living in the Western world. Muslim minorities living in the West are confronted with more disturbing issues compared to other Muslims living in Muslim countries. This is the kind of subject which has not become less grave over time, but continues to attract considerable attention throughout the world. It is worth mentioning here that Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world and the number of Muslims continues to drastically increase every year. A particularly high surge in the number of Muslims is noticed in the Western world presently. Still, Islam is one of the most poorly understood religions in the world. This is because the Western media has largely stuck to quite a prejudiced and controversial approach in portraying Muslims. This pattern proves to be very negative both for Islam and Muslims as it only serves to aggravate the already devastated conditions faced by giant masses of innocent Muslims living in the Western countries. In his book â€Å"Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World†, Carl Ernst offers explanation for many issues faced by people today in understanding Islam. He not only explores myriad man-made misconceptions plaguing Islam, but also discusses the forces active behind these misconceptions to explicate how they operate, tarnish the bond connecting over one billion of Muslims with the West, and harm global peace. It is stressed that every stereotypical image of Islam promoted to reinforce negative feelings about this religion has political approval too due to which it is maintained that â€Å"

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Chosse any theme and write after reading NADJA by ANDRE BRETON Essay

Chosse any theme and write after reading NADJA by ANDRE BRETON - Essay Example The story is not only a case-study of a woman with profound perception of the world and life, who later descends into madness, but also follows the writer’s personal transformation as well. (Watson 2002) The novel became a momentous contribution while the movement was still in its embryonic stage. The plot revolves around the author’s obsession with a woman named Nadja, whom he meets in Paris. She haunts the author for a considerable amount of time, but by the end of the novel she is institutionalized after being diagnosed with ‘schizophrenia’. It is a tragic fate for Nadja, but her insanity is deemed as the prime source of conflict for the narrator and paves the path of self-discovery for him. While Nadja loses herself in an asylum, the author subsequently finds himself through the establishment of surrealist consciousness. The relationship between Nadja and the author is described through vague metaphors in a non-linear fashion with 44 pictures that depict pictures of their rendezvous points, Nadja’s sketches and surrealist art. Conception of surrealist notions was triggered by the psychodynamic paradigm that proposed that thought processes and behaviors were caused by the interaction between conscious and the unconscious mind. According to this paradigm, the main driving force behind such interaction is an individual’s sex drive or libido. However, unlike using the model to understand or resolve mental conflicts, surrealists use it as a form of artistry. The surrealist elements are not only ostensible through the notions discussed in the novel, but the sentence structuring and vocabulary also contain the same essence. Besides the titular character that embodied mystery, the vocabulary and metaphors are most cryptic in nature and give the novel the elements of both poetry and a prose. Nadja herself had been an avid lover of various surrealist artists and writers,