Monday, August 24, 2020

The Total Rewards System

Presentation Compensation framework in an association is significant on the grounds that it assists associations with improving their exhibition through expanded representative yield. Absolute prize projects are frameworks set up by the administration of an association with the fundamental point of remunerating representatives for their endeavors and greatness in their work.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on The Total Rewards System explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The pay framework may include things that address the necessities of workers consequently boosting their spirit, for example, presentation and appreciation, work life equalization and chances for demonstrable skill inside the association (Kaplan, 2007). Fruitful usage of a prize framework in an association should bring about improved execution of representatives consequently the firm while decreasing working expenses. This investigation looks at all out remuneration programs a s applied in association in various ventures (Durfey, 2002). The Total Rewards System utilized in the Publix The Publix market is among the biggest private retail undertakings in the U.S. Having its’ base camp in Florida, the grocery store has in excess of 1000 branches working in various parts in U.S. with a normal of 130 partners making numerous work openings. In acknowledgment of the significance of all out remunerations in esteem creation to a firm, the general store has planned some of the absolute prizes components to profit its representatives. The resulting activities have seen the store perform better than different firms have. Among the planned components are adaptable timetables given to seasonal workers so as to suit for their scholarly examinations and family obligations, chances to move into different places of the organization, for example, assembling, circulation and corporate workplaces. Other key advantages accessible at Publix incorporate a chance to buy ex tra portions of its secretly held stock, yearly occasion money reward and week after week installment for hourly partners. What's more, the organization gives a 401(k) retirement reserve funds plan with an organization coordinate, bunch wellbeing plan, credit association, educational cost repayment and preparing openings. Representatives working near the cafeteria have the chance of eating free while full time workers have six paid occasions. Like different firms, improvement of these absolute prizes have befitted just as distraught both Publix and its representatives. Initially, it furnishes bosses with adaptability since it permits grants to be blended and remixed to meet the distinctive enthusiastic and persuasive needs of workers (Durfey, 2002). This has additionally helped organizations in permitting representatives to decide when they work, where they work and how they work. Specifically, all out remunerations, approaches perceive that representatives would wish to have the ca pacity to incorporate their way of life and their work.Advertising Looking for inquire about paper on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Secondly, absolute prizes system upgrades improved enrollment and maintenance since it is a basic perspective in tending to the issues made by enlistment and maintenance. It can help make a work experience that addresses the issues of representatives and urge them to contribute additional endeavors that address various issues in the firm, for example, low execution. Also, they all out remunerations programs urge the firm to spend reward dollars where they are best in tending to workers’ moving qualities. Numerous investigations have additionally demonstrated that workers would consistently take a gander at the all out remunerations bundle when concluding whether to join or to remain with an association. Thirdly, it decreases work costs or the expense of worker turnover. Significantly, these expenses are not observable inside an association. The expenses incorporate loss of clients; diminished deals just as diminished efficiencies as beneficial workers leave and the rest of the representatives are diverted from their exercises (Parbudyal, 2002). Regardless of this methodology having points of interest, it additionally experiences various misfortunes. Basically, it is the significant expense of offering elevated levels of advantages that influences firms. The various advantages accessible to Publix workers would cost the organization a great deal of cash. Likewise, the organization may understand wastage of assets if the entire bundle won't be valued or utilized by certain specialists. In the event that again the all out return isn't structured well, it might result to demoralization of representatives as opposed to persuading them. Consequently, Publix needs to rebuild its absolute returns by dropping the various less delicate advantages s ince they raise the expense of tasks and spotlight on the principle perspectives that contrarily influence the great execution of the organization. This will limit costs just as expanding level of execution. All in all, all around structured bundles of complete prizes ought to be grasped by all organizations since they spur representatives to perform better than they would without the bundles. This prompts the normal great exhibition of the organizations (Kaplan, 2007). Reference Durfey, K. (2002). Adjusting Employees to Organizational Objectives, Solutions, 15(3), 26-28 Kaplan, S. (2007). Business Strategy, People Strategy and Total Rewards. Advantages and pay Digest, 44(9), 13-19.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on The Total Rewards System explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Parbudyal, S. (2002). Key Reward Systems at Southwest Airlines, Compensation Benefits Review, 5(1), 28-33 This exploration paper on The Total Rewards System was composed and put together by client Jaidyn Nolan to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Lobito Essay Research Paper Lobito free essay sample

Lobito Essay, Research Paper Lobito Not one time is there a stifling moment in my home! That s due to my Canis familiaris Lobito. Dissimilar to different family units that have a human in some cases being the jokester of their family unit, in my family my Canis familiaris Lobito is the bozo. He must be the most entertaining Canis familiaris alive. From his green-peered toward beast fits of rage, and his way of picking fights with the rest of the Canis familiariss to his no end playing with his stuffed quicken creatures. Well the best topographic point to get down would be by delineating his way of fighting with other Canis familiariss. He s straight out of one of those movies where at that spot expressing hold me back. No undertaking how huge the Canis familiaris is he will debate him. This would be extraordinary in the event that he truly finished his threat however he doesn t. He has this diverting wont that when were holding him once again from another Canis familiaris, his bark begins securing stronger. While keeping him back he will in general draw and yank troublesome, and about state permit me at him. The diverting part is at the point when we truly permit him travel, he s astonished we permit him travel, and gives us this articulation like hello hold me back! Something else that accompanies his fighting strategies, are his twenty-four hours dream wants of being a security Canis familiaris. We have this one Canis familiaris named Pinto that Lobito abhorrences with all his chest. Bing that Pinto is alot more seasoned and greater than Lobbito, Lobito neer dares raise a bark at Pinto. Be that as it may, wear t ever advise Pinto to go outside the house, since each piece in no time as Lobito hears the words Pinto outside, snake pit interferences free. Lobito will come breaking around the bend like on the off chance that he heard Puppy Chow was making a trip to be at a bargain. He begins yelping and yiping directly behind Pinto with an incidental took shots at his tail. At the same clasp while this is all heading out on he will in general give us an articulation that says how am I making? Well that s non the most noticeably awful segment, the most noticeably awful segment is with regards to his green-looked at beast. It could be said that Lobito has this idea that he s figure one, and he s got this idea for everything that transpires. Because of this idea of his we make it a point non to pet any different Canis familiaris other than him while he s about, and on the off chance that we by chance do pet another Canis familiaris he makes it understood to us he s troubled with us by protesting. We neer let him discover us petting another Canis familiaris! He ll come straight up to us, and cut intervene the Canis familiaris were petting. He ll so get down yapping at the different Canis familiaris to go forward. This is an ordinary thing, and if by any opportunity we wear t pet him, he ll permit us cognize he s troubled with us. He ll put us on disregard way for the rest of the twenty-four hours. In the event that this happens we wear t even trouble naming out his name since he ll neer come. Another enormous part of his green-peered toward beast act is when individual carries an angel into the house. He begins the greatest and most intense yapping his lungs will permit. We truly need to bolt him in a room because of the way that were frightened he ll chomp the angel out of green-looked at beast. He ll be yapping and growling at the entryway for each piece long as he s secured at that place. He s got his paw Markss everywhere throughout the inside of the entryway from rubing such a great amount to gain out. This isn t the most exceedingly awful of it. It s when we truly permit him out that is. He circumvents the house whiffing everything in site, and after that he puts everybody on disregard way. He ll at long last gives us authorization to pet him, and snog up to him, yet non before he gives us his emotions were injury. Also, last however non least, Lobitos universe commended stuffed toy accumulation. This is his pride also, euphoria. He has roughly ten stuffed toys spread around the house. In the forepart and back yard, under beds and even in the restroom. Every one drooled to faultlessness! This is where our quick one to do him cheerful comes in. In the event that we really need Lobito to wish us, we only add a piece to his total. He will in general play with his new enliven creatures for yearss, and conveys them around in his oral pit everyplace he goes. He flaunts his new toy by taking it to us so we can play with him. He has this thing of playing bring with his stuffed quicken creatures, but it s non a decent idea of playing in the house. He tends non to see questions in his way while bringing his stuffed enliven creatures at illuming speed. People groups are non viewed as an hindrance for Lobito on the off chance that he s after his toy, he ll only run over us! He even thinks less about plain arraies or lights. So with the outlines I ve expressed Lobito in beyond what one way could be considered the bozo of the family unit. From his Comedy way of battling with different Canis familiariss by moving out the one line drive hold me back, to his fits of rage of green-peered toward beast when an angel occurs, or his universe commended stuffed toy conglomeration. In any case, to me and my family he is viewed as significantly more than only a joker, he is viewed as segment O f the family unit. Lobito Not one time is there a stifling moment in my home! That s in view of my Canis familiaris Lobito. Not at all like different family units that have a human in some cases being the jokester of their family, in my family my Canis familiaris Lobito is the bozo. He must be the most clever Canis familiaris alive. From his green-peered toward beast fits of rage, and his way of picking fights with the rest of the Canis familiariss to his no end playing with his stuffed quicken creatures. Well the best topographic point to get down would be by delineating his way of battling with other Canis familiariss. He s straight out of one of those movies where at that spot expressing hold me back. No issue how enormous the Canis familiaris is he will question him. This would be extraordinary on the off chance that he truly finished his hazard however he doesn t. He has this entertaining wont that when were holding him once more from another Canis familiaris, his bark begins procuring stronger. While keeping him back he will in general draw and snap troublesome, and about state permit me at him. The diverting bit is at the point when we truly permit him travel, he s amazed we permit him travel, and gives us this articulation like hello hold me back! Something else that accompanies his battling methods, are his twenty-four hours dream wants of being a security Canis familiaris. We have this one Canis familiaris named Pinto that Lobito abhorrences with all his chest. Bing that Pinto is alot more established and greater than Lobbito, Lobito neer dares raise a bark at Pinto. In any case, wear t ever advise Pinto to go outside the house, since each piece right away as Lobito hears the words Pinto outside, snake pit interferences free. Lobito will come cracking around the bend like on the off chance that he heard Puppy Chow was making a trip to be marked down. He begins yapping and yiping directly behind Pinto with a periodic took shots at his tail. At the same clasp while this is all making a trip on he will in general give us an articulation that says how am I making? Well that s non the most noticeably terrible bit, the most noticeably terrible part is with regards to his green-looked at beast. It could be said that Lobito has this idea that he s figure one, and he s got this idea for everything that transpires. Because of this idea of his we make it a point non to pet any different Canis familiaris other than him while he s about, and on the off chance that we by chance do pet another Canis familiaris he makes it understood to us he s disturbed with us by protesting. We neer let him find us petting another Canis familiaris! He ll come straight up to us, and cut intervene the Canis familiaris were petting. He ll so get down yapping at the different Canis familiaris to go forward. This is an ordinary thing, and if by any opportunity we wear t pet him, he ll permit us cognize he s troubled with us. He ll put us on disregard way for the rest of the twenty-four hours. In the event that this happens we wear t even trouble naming out his name since he ll neer come. Another enormous bit of his green-peered toward beast act is when individual carries a darling into the house. He begins the greatest and most intense yelping his lungs will permit. We truly need to bolt him in a room because of the way that were frightened he ll chomp the darling out of green-looked at beast. He ll be yelping and growling at the entryway for each piece long as he s secured at that place. He s got his paw Markss everywhere throughout the inside of the entryway from rubing such a great amount to obtain out. This isn t the most exceedingly terrible of it. It s when we truly permit him out that is. He circumvents the house whiffing everything in site, and after that he puts everybody on overlook way. He ll at long last gives us authorization to pet him, and snog up to him, however non before he gives us his sentiments were injury. Furthermore, last yet non least, Lobitos universe praised stuffed toy total. This is his pride furthermore, bliss. He has roughly ten stuffed toys spread around the house. In the forepart and back yard, under beds and even in the washroom. Every one drooled to perfection! This is where our quick one to do him cheerful comes in. In the event that we really need Lobito to wish us, we simply add a piece to his collection. He will in general play with his new quicken creatures for yearss, and conveys them around in his oral depression everyplace he goes. He flaunts his new toy by taking it to us so we can play with him. He has this thing of playing get with his stuffed vitalize creatures, but it s non a decent idea of playing in the house. He tends non to see questions in his way while bringing his stuffed energize creatures at illumin

Saturday, July 25, 2020

THIS. IS. 18.02.

THIS. IS. 18.02. In case you haven’t been able to tell by the lack of bloggage across the board, people have been a little hosed here the last week and a half. Last week’s morale went something like an inverse bell curve centered around Thursday night (“I HAVE 3 PSETS DUE TOMORROW THAT I HAVEN’T STARTED. WHY DID I COME TO THIS SCHOOL.”), and with classes wrapping up today, a lot of people have been having final projects due this week. Outside Cafv © 4 yesterday: Me: Hey, how are you doing? May 11 (grinning): Hiii. I haven’t slept in 2 days. So last night, I had 3 Monsters, and I just sort of wandered around the floor for a while trying to work some of it off. All present: May, you need some sleep. May: But my paper’s on The Lion King! All: May. SLEEP. You get the point. It’s been a little rough here lately. But it’s not like we’ve just been working. With the end of the semester comes the end of some fantastic classes. Yan blogged about Eric Lander’s last lecture in 7.012 (that man is fantastic- TAKE THAT CLASS), and I am officially done with 8.01 TEAL as of yesterday. My sentiments regarding TEAL will have to wait for another entry, though, I think. On Tuesday, though, was an equally important last lecture- Professor Auroux, perhaps the cutest little brilliant French man I have ever laid eyes on, had our last review lecture for 18.02, Multivariable Calculus. In the interest of full disclosure, I have had a mild crush on him since my second lecture in attendance. My first was spent fascinated with his accent, and then I went home and found out that he’s only 31 and plays the piano fantastically and he won me over entirely. I mean all this in the least creepy way possible. But EVERYONE loves Professor Auroux-not only are his lectures good, which is enough to win most people over, but he’s also adorable. And when people love a professor, things are bound to be done to inform that professor of their love. The class of 2010, for instance, opted for a more, uh, explicit declaration of their love of Auroux. Literally. Our class, however, staged quite possibly the nerdiest, most MIT thank you anyone could ever have thought up. And it was epic… also literally. So Professor Auroux: je taime. (And if you could pass me, too, that’d be great.)

Friday, May 22, 2020

Capitalist Society. - 1738 Words

Capitalism is a very complex system that is discuss by many authors, scholars and economists. Robert Heilbroner is a famous American economist who creatively discusses the system of capitalism in Twenty First Century Capitalism. He reveals the abstruse capitalism system and its role in society. Heilbroner begins by comparing traditional society with modern capitalist society and differentiate capital with wealth, which facilitate the reader to understand the basic definition of capitalism. He then illustrates the most crucial aspect of capitalism, that is, the two realms of capitalism. According to Heilbroner, the two realms of capitalism are state and economy or government and business. The relation between these realms is interesting in†¦show more content†¦It is important to understand the meaning and duties of the two realms of capitalism before learning their relationship. Meaning and difference between state and the economy is very clear. State of a society is the syst em that has power to control and enforce laws and regulations on different institutions of society, whereas, economy of the society deals with labor, capital, natural resources and the production, distribution of goods and services. Heilbroner reference Adam Smith to describes duties of the two realms. Adam Smith illustrates the picture of economy in Society of Perfect Liberty as: â€Å"Every man, as long as he does not violate the laws of justice, is left perfectly free to pursue his own interest his own way, and to bring both his industry and capital into competition with those of any other man or order of men. The sovereign [we can read â€Å"the state†] is completely discharged from a duty, in the attempting to perform which he must always be exposed to innumerable delusions, and for the proper performance of which no human wisdom or knowledge could ever be sufficient – the duty of superintending the industry of private people, and of directing it towards the empl oyments most suitable to the interest of the society† (Heilbroner 53). According to Smith, the government should deal â€Å"with their courts, police forces, and jails; and the necessity to maintain what we would call the national infrastructure, explicitly including education† (HeilbronerShow MoreRelated Capitalist Society in The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller1056 Words   |  5 PagesCapitalist Society in The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Death of a salesman is a tragedy of a common man. Throughout the play the reader sees how Willy Loman struggles to achieve something, which is beyond his capability. 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Bartleby separates himself from the other scriveners by daringly preferring not to surrenderRead MoreThe Inequality Of A Capitalist Society Essay2434 Words   |  10 PagesThere are many inequalities prevalent in the US, and as a capitalist society, one of the most common is economic inequality. The Equality Trust defines economic inequality, as the gap between the well off and less well of in regards to overall economic distribution (â€Å"How Is†). See, our capitalist society strongly benefits those with a capitalist mentality and can afford the means to invest/own capital. Over the years there has been an increasing wealth gap between the top one percent earners andRead MorePrivatization Of A Capitalist Society1699 Words   |  7 Pagessafety and wellbeing of members of society that are often ignored, which can be costly and lead to endless legal red tape. Seeking to relieve some of this burden, The United States quickly leapt at the opportunity to take some of that burden and deliver it to the private sector, and thus, the private, for-profit prison wa s born (Mason). since we already live and work under the control of the free market, privatization prisons makes sense in a capitalist society. While this a straightforward and appealingRead MoreArchitecture of the New Capitalist Society1762 Words   |  8 PagesArchitecture of the New Capitalist Society INTRODUCTORY THEME Daniel Libeskind s winning design for the new World Trade Center takes a sentimental and metaphorical approach. He claims that the completed WTC would become the representation of America s belief in humanity, its need for individual dignity, and its beliefs in the cooperation of human. Libeskind s original design focused on restoring the spiritual peak to the New York City and creating an icon that speaks of America s vitalityRead MoreIssues And Development Of Capitalist Societies Essay2087 Words   |  9 PagesReginal issue and unbalanced development in capitalist societies are significant problems, particularly, the â€Å"old industrial regions.† So socio-economic exploration is a solution to the uneven development of OIRs. There are six arguments: First, regional development and uneven development can not avoid in capitalist economies. Second, it is necessary to improve with national policies; Third, the limitations, and failures of some systems result from the integration of social contradictions into nationalRead MoreA Capitalist Society Like The U.s. Essay2226 Words   |  9 PagesIn a capitalist society like the U.S., one of the most prevalent issues facing society is economic inequality. The Equality Trust defines economic inequality as the gap in overall economic distribution between the well off and less well off (â€Å"How Is†). Our capitalist society strongly benefits those with the means to invest in or own capital. This has resulted in an increasing wealth gap between the top one percent earners and the average income earner. Emmanuel Saez illustrates the explosion of URead MoreThe United States Is A Capitalist Society1966 Words   |  8 PagesThe United States is a capitalist socie ty; money is powerful. The wealthy and those in power are able to influence tax policy. There are a few tax policies that have more of a benefit to the wealthy than to the poor. A few of them include the mortgage interest deduction, the yacht tax deduction, rental property, business meal deduction, capital gains tax rate, estate tax, social security, and savings for retirement plans. The most beneficial of these tax policies is the capital gains preferentialRead MoreSocial Stratification in Modern Capitalist Societies1457 Words   |  6 Pagesstratification in modern capitalist societies. Analyze this statement by addressing the following questions/topics; 1. What is social stratification? Why are class, caste, gender and ethnicity considered to be systems of stratification? Answer- Social stratification is the division of society into different groups in a pattern of ranking. In simple sentence, social stratification means inequalities between different groups of people. It is division of a large group of society and their unequalRead MoreThe Relations Between Producers And Capitalist Society Essay1624 Words   |  7 Pagesfetishism, he was talking about the way we relation between producers and capitalist society. The word fetishism was used to describe the practices of religions that should be magical powers to objects like idols or charms. From Marx’s money and commodities, people think that they have mystical powers, but the powers come from us from own creative labor. If we take a look inside a workplace it could be any place of work a capitalist factory, a peasant commune, or a family farm, the relations between different

Friday, May 8, 2020

Comparisons between Online Shopping and Traditional Shopping Behavior Research Proposal

Essays on Comparisons between Online Shopping and Traditional Shopping Behavior Exploring Foreign Students Satisfaction about Smartphone in the UK Research Proposal The paper â€Å"Comparisons between Online Shopping and Traditional Shopping Behavior Exploring Foreign Students’ Satisfaction about Smartphone in the UK† is an  affecting example of a research proposal on marketing. Online shopping is a kind of electronic commerce in which the consumers buy goods and services from the source through the internet in the absence of an intermediary service. These shops are referred to as E-store, Online shop, E-shop, Internet shop, Webstore, Virtual store and Online store. There are two common kinds of online shopping: business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) online shopping.There are high volumes of websites that provide online shopping websites, for example, Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay all presented in an integrated navigation framework. A collection of many e-Stores is known as online marketplaces or virtual shopping malls. The online shopping stores are preferred than traditional shops especially by foreign students in t he UK. The study is aimed to discover whether the above hypothesis is true.Statement of the problemWith the increased activities in the learning institutions as well as the rapid changes in the lifestyle of young people especially in the United Kingdom, the marketing techniques are advancing to meet the expectations of the students in the UK. It is therefore assumed that these young people are opting for the online shopping instead of the traditional system of shopping facilitated by the diverse use of iPhones. This study is investigating the comparison between the systems of shopping and the most preferred by the foreign students.Research objectivesGeneralThe general objective of the study is to find the comparisons between online and traditional shopping behavior through the exploration of foreign student’s satisfaction with the smartphone in the UK.SpecificThere are a number of specific objectives that will guide the attainment of the aims and goals of the research work. T hese include:To understand whether or not foreign students consider online or traditional shoppingTo identify whether or not foreign students in the UK shop onlineThe determine the major services which are bought by the consumers in both traditional and online shoppingTo find out the motivation influencing the shopping post-purchase behavior of people in the UKLiterature reviewTim Berners- Lee created the first World Wide server and browser which was later opened for commercial use the following year. In 1994 much advancement like online banking and an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut were implemented. German company Intershop also introduced its online system of shopping. The other marketers like Amazon and eBay launched their online shops later.All the students are active and heavy users of the internet thus any activity taking place online has become part of their lifestyle. In the UK, college students spent most of their money online than any other demographic group. The foreign s tudents spend their holidays making money to spend when they resume their semesters (Falk, Sockel Chen, 2005).The higher levels of education, occupation of the head of household and income in The United Kingdom correspond positively to the perceptions of this form of shopping. The increased exposure to technology with the increase in the number of computers and other internet accessory devices has facilitated the development of favorable perceptions of these new channels of shopping (Palmer, 2007). In December last year, the study of Equation Research found that 87% of tablet users were most interested in online shopping especially during the early season of their holiday.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is It Important to Vote Free Essays

A democracy is a place where everyone has rights and freedoms. Freedom of speech, religion, the right to hold public office and the right to vote. Also a place where government is by the people and for the people. We will write a custom essay sample on Is It Important to Vote or any similar topic only for you Order Now The United Kingdom is a representative democracy. This means that everyone over the age of 18 can vote in elections, and the people they elect then represent their interests and make the decision. It’s important for everyone to vote because the representatives decide what taxes you will pay. Also they form the government/council which decides all sorts of major issues such as education, laws, and the police. If people stopped voting, there would probably be a dictatorship where many freedoms would be taken away. If we don’t vote ordinary people are involved in political parties and in national/local government, they can be taken over by people who may represent a minority interest. People’s rights and freedoms are preserved by elected representatives so it is important many people, as possible vote. To vote is to give a voice in playing a role in positive change. Many men and women died for our right to vote, as well as the other rights we now take for granted. Women could not vote for many years because they were not considered an important part of decision making. Such as the suffragettes fought for female votes which was achieved in success in 1918. In some countries today some people do not have a choice to vote. Black people in South Africa were not able to vote until 1994. Also there are some dictatorships in some countries like Syria, Afghanistan and Libya. Now we all have a responsibility to make the world a better place and we now have the right to do so. Women more than ever now should apply their right to vote. All policies are made by the elected officials we get into office. All policies affect each and every citizen. I think it’s important to vote  because of the great amount of power politicians have – particularly the control they have over our society of everyday life: education, health, policing and social services. A general election is the public’s big chance to change how society is run. We should read the news and understand the direction our country is going in. Education is serious, many other countries are way ahead of us and we are falling behind. We have rising educational costs with colleges, which require effective solutions to ensure that we have educated adults entering the work force, without the funds available many will not get the education and the country will suffer. We are either part of the problem or part of the solution. How to cite Is It Important to Vote, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Napster Essays (927 words) - File Sharing Networks,

Napster The problems faced by Napster and how it affects us. INTRODUCTION Shawn Fanning let his closely cropped coiffure grow a bit shaggy, so his friends started calling him nappy. That evolved into a new nickname, Napster, which became the Internet handle he used in chat rooms. After sharing tips on guitar playing, Fanning told two cyberpals about a revolutionary software program he was working on. Encouraged by his new friends, he wrote the program and the idea attracted a sizable cash donation from a family friend. So he quit college, moved from Harwich, Mass., to Silicon Valley, and started a company together with his two buddies. That was sevral months ago. Today, 19-year-old Fanning and his company, Napster, have become the Internet's latest one-hit wonder. Hundreds of thousands of college students and music fans have downloaded the firm's free software, which allows users to swap MP3 songs, the Net's most popular digital music format. Napster, whose latest software will be released this week, has seen its user base grow by as much as 25 percent a day. Says Napster CEO Eileen Richardson, We see ourselves as the MTV of the Internet, But Napster has made some powerful enemies in its brief existence. Musicians and record companies accuse it of creating an online den of thieves. Last December, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), representing 18 record labels, sued Napster for copyright violations, seeking to shut it down and collect more than $100 million in damages. Rapper Sean Puffy Combs says Napster abuses his artists. And in the past two months, at least 50 universities have blocked students from accessing Napster, saying it strains campus computer systems. All the outrage is a result of Napster's unique design, which fosters music sharing but also hogs bandwidth. The company doesn't own or sell any music. Its software merely acts as a digital matchmaker, allowing people to trade MP3 songs. Napster peeks into a user's hard drive and publishes a list of all the songs it finds there onto a central database. To locate a tune, a user enters the name of an artist or a song to see if anyone else on the network has it. If so, they can download it at the push of a button. In this way, Napster has created the Net's largest music library. Now all of us have downloaded music of the internet and most of us have also used Napster but as we all know Indiana University is one of the fifty odd universities that have banned Napster on campus servers. This is a situation that affects us directly as universitys like Duke,Stanford and M.I.T have refused The R.I.A.A. requests to ban Napster. Thus according to me we should all be better informed of this situation to know why we are being deprived of such a cutting edge program. The Napster case is very important not only because people won't be able to download free music if it's ruled illegal, but because the case will serve as a major guide for the future. It is a foreshadowing of the future. As technology becomes more and more advanced, we will constantly be faced with similar questions. The RIAA announced in December they would sue napster. Explain reasons. 1.Napster is considered pirating software. It can allow anyone access to copyrighted files. 2. Although all users will not abuse the system and make pirated cds some will. Therefore opposers of napster wish for a complete shutdown of the site. 3. Some who oppose merely wish for napster to exist in a way that will not allow pirating. C. Napster's is banned on the Indiana campus after a request from the RIAA and Heavy Metal band Metalica. I.U. claims that napster is using up too much of its bandwidth. 1. Indiana University bans napster controversially even though many students are against it. I.U. students say that the ban affects their freedom of music and exposure to the Internet revolution. 2. Give out information from napster website and also list the reactions of other major universities for and against the ban. 3. Napster may have been banned but there are still other identical programs, which are benefiting from this ban (e.g. Scour exchange). D. Discuss how